Friday, February 15, 2008

Connelly Games

With all the Tom Clancy games why can't someone make some Michael Connelly games with the hard boiled Hieronymus Bosch. Even though fps games are low risk money makers most of the times someone needs to break this trend.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Real life detectives?

What’s so special with fictional detectives? Well, first of all they are the good guys. They fight to get the bad guy. In the case of the private detective they represent justice above the law. They are a way for common citizens to demand justice against a corrupt society and so on.

In real life private detective often fail to live up to this image. That’s why my blog is about Detective Games. Real life can be so depressing sometimes.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

New Detective Resource Homepage

In search of the one true detective game I've begun thinking of contributing my findings to the detective games community. Thus i've created a Detective Games Resources Page where i will publish my findings.

The page will mostly be about atmosphere and mysteries. Not concering the actual technical details. Hope you check it out. Ive actually been inspired by the design on this page WE Visualisering - Visualization.

Where can i find that Sherlock feeling?

I've been looking around for a game thats something like the short stories about Sherlock Holmes. I want a certain atmosphere that no game seems to be able to recreate. I'll keep looking.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Murderers are walking free

Murderers are walking free? Yes, there are hundreds of unsolved murders. We need more detectives is the call on hundreds of web pages and I will answer the call. We must strive for justice always. Even in the world of games.